Pages CMS

Install & Deploy

Install locally

To get a local version up and running:

  1. Install dependencies: npm install.

  2. Create a GitHub OAuth app: 0n GitHub, go to your Developer Settings and create a New OAuth App (or alternatively create one for one of your organizations). You can use the following settings for your development environment:

    • Application name: Pages CMS (dev)

    • Homepage URL:

    • Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:8788/auth/callback

  3. Create a file for environment variables: copy .dev.vars.exmple into .dev.vars and replace GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET with the values you got for your GitHub OAuth app. You shouldn't have to modify BASE_URL.

  4. Run it: npm run dev. This should run the app locally with Wrangler (allowing us to run the serverless functions locally).

  5. Visit localhost:8788.

Deploy on Cloudflare

  1. Prerequisite: you'll need a Cloudflare account (it's free). Once you have one:

  2. Create a Cloudflare Pages app:

    1. From your account dashboard, go to Workers & Pages, then click on Create application and select the Pages tab.

    2. From there you can connect your GitHub account and select the repo you want to deploy (assuming you've forked pages-cms/pages-cms).

    3. Cloudflare will give you a public URL (e.g.

  3. Create a GitHub OAuth app: same as for local, go to your Developer Settings and create a New OAuth App (or alternatively create one for one of your organizations) with the following settings:

    • Application name: Pages CMS

    • Homepage URL:

    • Authorization callback URL: (replace with whatever URL Cloudflare generated for you, or the custom domain you set up)

  4. Add the environment variables to Cloudflare:

    1. Go back to your Cloudflare Pages app, click on the Settings tab and select Environment variables in the sidebar.

    2. Fill in GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET with the values you got from GitHub.

    3. You will also need to set BASE_URL to the URL that was given to you when you create the Cloudflare Pages app (e.g.

  5. Open the app link (e.g.

Cloudflare has very generous free tiers and can also host your actual website. It's a great alternative to GitHub Pages, Netlify or Vercel.