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The .pages.yml file


To configure Pages CMS you just need to add a .pages.yml file to the repository (and branch) that hosts your content and media. If this file isn't there when you open your repository/branch in Pages CMS, you will be presented with a link to add one via the Pages CMS interface.

You can have different configuration files on separate branches. The Pages CMS interface allows you to navigate between them (click on the name of repository at the top of the sidebar and then select the branch in the dropdown menu).

The .pages.yml file contains mainly 2 sections:


With media, you can configure how to handle the files that can be embedded in or associated with the content: attachments, thumbnails, inline images...



Key Type Description
input string The path to the media folder relative to the root of the repo (e.g. src/files/media). This path is what allows us to find the files in Pages CMS to manage content and media.
output string The path to the media folder relative to the root of the website (e.g. files/media). This path will prefix all media saved in our content, which will be used by your static site generator.
path string The default path to present the user (e.g. when opening the media browser on an Image Field).
extensions string An array of file extensions that should be displayed. If provided, any file with an extension not included in this list will not be shown to the user.
categories string Similar to media.extensions, but using categories of files: image (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg, bmp, tif, tiff), document (pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, vxls, xlsx, txt, rtf), video (mp4, avi, mov, wmv, flv), audio (mp3, wav, aac, ogg, flac) and compressed (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gz, tgz). If both media.extensions and media.categories are provided, media.categories will be ignored.

If media is set to a string, it is equivalent to settings both media.input and media.output to that value, prefixed with / for media.output.

For example, media: files/media would be equivalent to:

  input: files/media
  output: /files/media


Let's assume the content for my website is at the root of my repo:

media: files/media

Now, if the content for this website was in a src/ subfolder, it could look like this:

  input: src/media
  output: media

Let's assume now that I'm hosting my website in a subfolder (e.g. hosted at http://example.com/my-website/), I may want to do the following:

  input: src/media
  output: /my-website/media


Content managed by the users: collections (e.g. blog posts) and file types (e.g. the home page). The content key should be set as an array of content entries.

Collection view


Each content entry can define the following keys:

Key Type Description
name string Required and must be unique across the content array. Machine name for the content entry.
label string Display name for the collection or single file. This will be displayed in the main menu.
type string Required. collection or file, depending on whether the content entry is a collection of files with an identical schema (e.g. blog posts) or a single file (e.g. home page).
path string Required. Path to the folder where the files are stored if it's a collection (e.g. path: src/posts, otherwise the path to the single file (e.g. path: src/index.md).
icon string Name of a Lucide icon to display in the main navigation (e.g. map-pinned). You can use Kebab, Pascal or Camel case (e.g. map-pinned, MapPinned or mapPinned).
fields string The list of fields defining the schema of the content entry (e.g. title, date, author, body, etc). See the "Fields" section below.
filename string The pattern to generate the filename when creating a new file. You can use the value of any field (e.g. fields.title) including nested values (e.g. fields.tags[0].label). You can also use a few date tokens ({year}, {month}, {day}) and time ({hour}, {minute}, {second}) and {primary} for the primary field as defined in the view key. By default this is set to '{year}-{month}-{day}-{primary}.md'.
exclude array An array of files to exclude from the collection (e.g. [ README.md ]). This is only valid for collections.
view object Only valid for collections. This object defines the various options for the collection view; visible fields, sorting options and defaults, fields indexed for the search... See the "View" section below.
format string The format of the file, used to set up the editor to edit the content: yaml-frontmatter, json-frontmatter, toml-frontmatter, yaml, json, toml, datagrid, code or raw. It defaults to yaml-frontmatter.
subfolders boolean Whether or not the collection should display subfolders. Default to true. Set to false if you want to force the collection of files to be "flat".


Let's assume we have a simple collection of blog posts all saved in the src/_posts folder:

  - name: posts
    label: Posts
    path: src/_posts
    type: collection
  - name: authors
    label: Authors
    path: src/_data/authors.json
    type: file


The view object is only valid for type: collection content entries. It defines the configuration for the collection view, aka the page that lists the entries for a collection which is accessed from the main menu under a specific repo/branch (e.g. https://app.pagescms.org/pages-cms/template-nextjs/content/posts/).


Key Type Description
fields array List of the fields to be displayed in the collection view (e.g. fields: [ title, published, author ]). This can include nested fields and values (e.g. fields: [ title, published, "tags[0]", author.name ]). If not defined, it defaults to just the primary field (see below). The order of the fields is kept in the collection view.
primary string The name of the field that should be used as the primary field (e.g. primary: title). If undefined, it will be set to the title field if it exists, otherwise the first field define in the content entry (e.g. content.posts.fields[0].name).
sort array The list of fields that the collection can be sorted by (e.g. sort: [ date, title ]). By default, it is set to the date (if any) and the primary field.
search array The list of fields that should be indexed for search. By default, all fields are indexed.
default object Define the default values for search and sorting: { search: 'My keywords', sort: title, order: asc }). default.order can be asc or desc. By default, default.search is empty, default.sort is the first field in the sort array and default.order is set to desc.


Assuming you have a date field and title is the primary field, your default configuration would look like:

  fields: [ title ]
  primary: title
  sort: [ date, title ]
    search: ''
    sort: title
    order: desc

This would display the title of each post and sort them by title in descendant order (start with special characters and numbers, all the way to z).

Let's assume we also have the following:

  • published, a boolean that defines whether or not the post is published,
  • author, a string set to the name of the author.

Let's set the view to only display the posts from Patricia, display title, date and the published state with the newer posts first:

  fields: [ title, date, published ] # title is the first entry and thus will be set to primary
  sort: [ date, title, published ]
    search: 'author:Patricia'
    sort: date
    sort: desc

The author:Patricia syntax comes from lunr.js, the search library used by Pages CMS under the hood. Other syntax will work too (wildcards, boosts, fuzzy matches and term presence).



Key Type Description
name string Required and must be unique across the fields array. Machine name for the field. body is reserved for the body of the file when dealing with a frontmatter file (e.g. YAML frontmatter).
label string Display name for the field. This is what is displayed in the edit form.
description string Default value.
type string Defines the type of field: boolean, code, date, image, number, object, rich-text, select, string or text. If undefined or set to a field that doesn't exist, it defaults to text.
default Default value.
list boolean or object If truthy, the field is an array of values (of the type defined for the field). See the "View" section below.
hidden boolean If true, the field will not be displayed in the form but will be saved. It is usually used with default to set a required field that shouldn't be edited by users, like for example the language of a post (lang: en-US).
required boolean If true, the field can't be empty.
pattern string or object A regular expression to validate the field. A custom message for the error can be provided by defining an object with regex and message attributes (e.g. pattern: { regex: 'This must be a valid email address (e.g. [email protected]).', message: '^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' })
fields array Only valid for object fields. List of the fields in that object.
options object Options for that field. Refer to the field specific details below.


Any field with a truthy list key will be stored as an array of that field type. For example:

name: images
label: Images
type: image
list: true

Will allow the user to save multiple image paths:

  - media/image-1.png
  - media/image-2.png

list can be an object with min, max and default keys. min and max define the minimum and maximum number of entries in the array. For example:

name: images
label: Images
type: image
  min: 1
  max: 4

This will force the user to enter at least 1 image and at most 4.

Certain fields (e.g. the [image field(/docs/configuration/image-field)]) implement their own list logic. If you want to use the default list widget, you may set default to true.
